*NA Plots on Resale*
@Supa (New Japanese MIDC)on Nagar Pune Road
*Main Highlights*
1⃣ *National & State Highway both Touch*
2⃣ *Beautiful Lake behind the project*
3⃣ *JETRO(27 Japaneese automobiles companies*
4⃣ *Project Fencing,Individual, Demarcation, Internal Road 40 ft wide.Street Lights, Garden & Other Amenities Space*
5⃣ *Govt.Sanctioned NA Sanctioned Plots (Best for Residence cum Investment*
6⃣ *Individual Plot Registration & online 7/12*
7⃣ *Bank Loan Approved*
8⃣ *FSI 1.54*
9⃣ *Major Attraction-Japanese Industrial Park(Investment 5000 Cr)*
🔟 *Nearby School/ College/Garden/Hospital/Market everything*
☑ *Plots available No 79*
☑ *Size 1078Sq ft.*
☑ *Rate 900 psf*
☑ *Cost 970200 Rs*
🏠 *Location-Nagar-Pune Highway.Supa Toll Plaza(Mhasane Phata)Near to Nagar & Ahead to Ranjangaon Ganpati*